NI PXI-5422 Calibration Procedure 18
A frequency error of 45 Hz for a 10 MHz signal corresponds to an
error of 4.5 ppm. This limit accounts for the initial accuracy and the
frequency deviation caused by temperature and aging. Refer to Table 3
for frequency ranges.
11. Call niFgen_AbortGeneration (niFgen Abort Generation VI) to
abort the waveform generation using the following parameter:
•vi: The session handle returned from niFgen_init
12. Call niFgen_close (niFgen Close VI) to close the instrument
driver session, to destroy the instrument driver session and all of
its properties, and to release any memory resources NI-FGEN uses.
Use the following parameter:
•vi: The session handle returned from niFgen_init
Verifying the DC Gain and Offset AccuracyThis test verifies the DC gain and offset accuracy of the NI PXI-5422 into
a high-impedance load by generating a number of DC voltages and offsets,
measuring the voltage with a DMM, and comparing the NI PXI-5422 to the
error limits.
The DC gain and offset accuracy verification procedure has three
sub-procedures that verify the following:
• Main analog path gain
• Main analog path offset
• Direct path gain
Verifying the Main Analog Path Gain
To verify the gain of the NI PXI-5422 main analog path, complete the
following steps:
1. Connect the NI PXI-5422 CH 0 front panel connector to the DMM for
measuring DC gain and offset accuracy.
2. Call niFgen_init (niFgen Initialize VI) using the following
•resourceName: The name of the device that you want to verify.
You can find this name under Devices and Interfaces in MAX.
Table 3. Frequency Ranges
Calibration Test Limit Published Specifications ±25 ppm
Low High Low High
9,999,955 Hz 10,000,045 Hz 9,999,750 Hz 10,000,250 Hz