NI PXI-5422 Calibration Procedure 28
5. Call niFgen_SetAttributeViReal64 to set the offset (niFgen
property node: Arbitrary Waveform Output»Arbitrary Waveform
Offset) using the following parameters:
•vi: The session handle returned from niFgen_init
•channelName: "0"
•value: The Ideal Positive Offset value listed in Table 5 for the
current iteration
6. Call niFgen_SetAttributeViReal64 to set the gain (niFgen
property node: Arbitrary Waveform Output»Arbitrary Waveform
Gain) using the following parameters:
•vi: The session handle returned from niFgen_init
•channelName: "0"
•value: The Gain value listed in Table 5 for the current iteration
7. Call niFgen_InitiateGeneration (niFgen Initiate Generation VI)
to initiate the waveform generation using the following parameter:
•vi: The session handle returned from niFgen_init
8. Measure the positive DC voltage out of the NI PXI-5422. Record the
positive DC voltage out measurement in the Measured Positive
Offset column of Table 5.
9. Subtract the Ideal Positive Offset from the Measured Positive Offset
and record the result under Error Positive Offset. The Error Positive
Offset should be less than or equal to the limit you are using.
10. Call niFgen_AbortGeneration (niFgen Abort Generation VI) to
abort the waveform generation using the following parameter:
•vi: The session handle returned from niFgen_init
11. Call niFgen_SetAttributeViReal64 to set the offset (niFgen
property node: Arbitrary Waveform Output»Arbitrary
Waveform Offset) using the following parameters:
•vi: The session handle returned from niFgen_init
•channelName: "0"
•value: The Ideal Negative Offset value listed in Table 5 for the
current iteration
12. Call niFgen_InitiateGeneration (niFgen Initiate Generation VI)
to initiate the waveform generation using the following parameter:
•vi: The session handle returned from niFgen_init