NI PXI-5422 Calibration Procedure 54
9. Call niFgen_CreateArbWaveform (niFgen Create Arbitrary
Waveform VI) using the following parameters:
•vi: The session handle returned from niFgen_InitExtCal
•wfmSize: The size in samples (500) of the waveform you created
in step 8
•wfmData: The array of waveform samples that you created in
step 8
•wfmHandle: The variable passed by reference through this
parameter receives the value (waveform handle) that identifies
the waveform created by this function.
10. Call niFgen_SetAttributeViInt32 to choose the sine waveform
(niFgen property node: Arbitrary Waveform Output»Arbitrary
Waveform Handle) using the following parameters:
•vi: The session handle returned from niFgen_init
•channelName: "0"
•value: The wfmHandle from step 9 (sine waveform handle)
11. Call niFgen_InitiateGeneration (niFgen Initiate Generation VI)
to initiate the waveform generation using the following parameter:
•vi: The session handle returned from niFgen_InitExtCal
12. Measure the frequency of the generated waveform. This value is the
measured frequency, which is used in step 13.
13. Repeat steps 13a through 13d for as long as the difference between the
measured frequency and the desired frequency (10 MHz) is greater
than the tolerance (4.5 ppm).
The measured frequency should converge on the desired frequency.
If the measured frequency does not converge on the desired frequency
within 16 iterations, a problem may exist with your measurement
device or the NI PXI-5422.
a. Call niFgen_AbortGeneration (niFgen Abort Generation VI)
to abort the waveform generation using the following parameter:
•vi: The session handle returned from niFgen_InitExtCal
b. Cal l niFgen_CalAdjustOscillatorFrequency (niFgen Cal
Adjust Oscillator Frequency VI) using the following parameters:
•vi: The session handle returned from niFgen_InitExtCal
•desiredFrequencyInHz: The desired frequency (10000000)
of the generated sinusoid in Hz
•measuredFrequencyInHz: The measured frequency of
the generated sinusoid in Hz