© National Instruments Corporation 57 NI PXI-5422 Calibration Procedure
•vi: The session handle returned from niFgen_InitExtCal
•channelName: "0"
•value: VI_TRUE
11. Call niFgen_Commit (niFgen Commit VI) to commit the attribute
values to the device using the following parameter:
•vi: The session handle returned from niFgen_InitExtCal
12. Wait 500 ms for the output to settle.
13. Call niFgen_SetAttributeViInt32 to set the calibration ADC
input (niFgen property node: Calibration»Cal ADC Input) using
the following parameters:
•vi: The session handle returned from niFgen_InitExtCal
•channelName: "" (empty string)
14. Call niFgen_WriteBinary16AnalogStaticValue (niFgen Write
Binary 16 Analog Static Value VI) to set the main DAC value using
the following parameters:
•vi: The session handle returned from niFgen_InitExtCal
•channelName: "0"
•value: 27232
15. Call niFgen_SetAttributeViBoolean to disable the analog
output (niFgen property node: Basic Operation»Output Enabled)
using the following parameters:
•vi: The session handle returned from niFgen_InitExtCal
•channelName: "0"
•value: VI_FALSE
16. Call niFgen_Commit (niFgen Commit VI) to commit the attribute
values to the device using the following parameter:
•vi: The session handle returned from niFgen_InitExtCal
17. Wait 500 ms for the output to settle.
18. Call niFgen_ReadCalADC (niFgen Read CAL ADC VI) to measure
the analog output voltage with the onboard calibration ADC using the
following parameters:
•vi: The session handle returned from niFgen_InitExtCal
•numberOfReadsToAverage: 3