NI PXI-5422 Calibration Procedure 6 ni.com
For information about NI-FGEN and the NI PXI-5422, you may find the
following documents helpful:
•NI Signal Generators Getting Started Guide
•NI Signal Generators Help
•NI PXI-5422 Specifications
•NI-FGEN Instrument Driver Quick Reference Guide
The NI Signal Generators Getting Started Guide provides instructions for
installing and configuring NI signal generators.
The NI Signal Generators Help includes detailed information about
the NI PXI-5422 and the NI-FGEN functions. You can access this help file
by selecting Start»Programs»National Instruments»NI-FGEN»
Documentation»NI Signal Generators Help. For the latest versions
of NI documentation, refer to ni.com/manuals.
Self-Calibration ProceduresThe NI PXI-5422 is capable of performing self-calibration, which adjusts
the gain and offset of the main and direct analog paths. Self-calibration
exclusively uses an onboard A/D converter (ADC) to measure the output
voltage. You can implement self-calibration on the NI PXI-5422 by
following procedures similar to the Verifying the DC Gain and Offset
Accuracy and the Adjusting the Analog Output procedures. However,
output impedance, oscillator frequency, and the calibration ADC cannot be
adjusted during self-calibration.
You can initiate self-calibration interactively from Measurement &
Automation Explorer (MAX) or from the FGEN Soft Front Panel (SFP).
Alternately, you can initiate self-calibration programmatically using
To initiate self-calibration from MAX, complete the following steps:
1. Launch MAX.
2. Select My System»Devices and Interfaces»NI-DAQmx Devices.