Boater’s Checklist
For improved safety and enjoyment, check each of these items:
Check Before You Launch Your Boat:
•Read both the engine and the boat operator manuals.
•Drain plug (Securely in place?)
•Propeller Condition (Prop nut tight and secured, no cracked or bent blades, prop turns freely?)
•Steering System (Working smoothly and properly, self locking nuts in place?)
•Battery (Fully charged, cable terminals clean and tight?)
•Capacity Plate (Are you overloaded?)
•Weather conditions (Safe to go out?)
•Fuel and Oil (Sufficient for trip, check bilge area for gas odor, no leaks?)
•Hoses and Connectors (No leaks or damage?)
•Electrical Equipment (Lights, horn, pumps, etc.?)
•Safety Equipment (Fire extinguisher, bailer, paddle, anchor and line, mooring lines, signaling device, tool kit, first aid kit, first aid manual?)
•Personal Flotation Devices for all occupants
•Float Plan submitted to Responsible Person (Verbal or written?)
Check Before You Start Your Engine:
•Fuel (Sufficient for trip, check bilge area for gas odor?)
•Control Lever in Neutral
•Capacity Plate (Are you overloaded?)
•Personal Flotation Devices for all occupants
•Seating (Everyone in proper place?)
•Engine Stop Switch and Lanyard (Operational and securely fastened?)
•No one in water near boat
•Keep firm and continuous grip on steering wheel
•Engine Cooling Water Valve open