To Another Phonebook
*To copy or move the entry to another phonebook, press (Phonebook) until the preferred phonebook displays. The phonebook
type name changes at the bottom left of the Move or Copy screen above the Softkey 1 indicator. The next available location within
the selected phonebook is identified.
Press Softkey 1 (OK) to use the suggested new location or press CLR (Clear/Back) to erase the suggested location number,
input the preferred location number, press Softkey 1 (OK). The Destination or Origin screen displays.
If copying or moving from SIM phonebook to the Phone phonebook, the Destination screen displays with the 7 alternative
number types. Press (Up)or (Down) navigation key to highlight a number type and press (Select) or input the
appropriate option number for the new entry’s preferred number type. The SIM number is copied or moved to the selected
number type field for the entry in Phone. The screen returns to where the copy or move process was started.
If copying or moving from Phone phonebook to SIM phonebook, the Origin screen displays with the list of available numbers
from the Phone entry. Press (Up)or (Down) navigation key to highlight a number type and press (Select). The
selected number type is copied to the one number field in SIM as a new SIM entry. The screen returns to where the copy or
move process was started.
Overwrite Location
*If a preferred location number is already in use, a message displays “Overwrite the entry?” Press Softkey 1 (Yes) to confirm the
replacement or press Softkey 2 (No) to cancel.
If a preferred phonebook is “full,” input the location number to overwrite and press Softkey 1.
When copying/moving a phonebook entry from the Phone to SIM, the Origin screen displays all the number types with data for
the entry in the Phone phonebook. One of the number types is selected to be copied/moved with the entry name to the SIM
When copying/moving from the SIM to Phone, the Destination screen displays the number types available within the Phone
phonebook. One of the number types is selected for the SIM number to be copied/moved to the field in the Phone phonebook.
Press (Up)or (Down) navigation key to highlight the number type and press (Select/Save).
The number type selected at the Origin screen is copied/moved to the SIM memory entry.
The number type selected at the Destination screen is the field the SIM entry is copied/moved to in Phone.
A confirmation screen displays “Entry copied” for the copy process and “Entry moved” for the move process.
Entry Name