* 160021200 images are compressed into
136621024 with AccuBlend.
Signal Resolution Horizontal Vertical
Frequency Frequency
NTSC 337 2480 15.73 29.9
PAL/SECAM 372 2574 15.63 25.0
HDTV 1920 2517 33.75 25.0
640 2480 31.5 60.0
800 2600 37.9 60.3
800 2600 46.9 75.0
1024 2768 56.5 70.1
1024 2768 60.0 75.0
1280 21024 64.6 59.9
640 2480 37.9 72.8
640 2480 37.5 75.0
IBM PC or 640 2480 43.3 85.0
Compatibles 800 2600 35.2 56.3
800 2600 48.1 72.2
800 2600 53.7 85.1
1024 2768 48.4 60.0
1024 2768 58.1 72.0
1024 2768 68.7 85.0
1280 21024 80.0 75.0
1600 21200 75.0 60.0
1600 21200 81.3 65.0
1600 21200 87.5 70.0
Apple 640 2480 35.0 66.7
Macintosh 832 2624 49.7 74.5
1024 2768 60.2 74.9*
1152 2870 68.7 75.6*
1280 21024 81.1 76.1*
NEC EWS4800 1280 21024 64.6 59.9
1280 21024 75.1 71.0
Sun 1152 2900 61.8 66.0
1280 21024 74.9 69.9
1280 21024 81.1 76.1
SGI 1024 2768 49.7 60.4
1280 21024 63.9 60.0
1152 2900 71.7 76.1
HP 1280 21024 78.1 72.0
Displayable Video Signals
The video signals that can be displayed with your LCD projector fall between a
horizontal frequency of 15 to 107 kHz, a vertical frequency of 50 to 105 Hz.
Typical workstations, personal computers, and video signals that can be pro-
jected are as follows: