Managing Cables |
Click Save & New | to save the cable and continue adding new |
Viewing and Editing a Cable
Viewing and editing cables can be done in the Cable Management main window. To edit a cable, do the following.
Step 1 Select a cable and then click Edit in the action toolbar.
—The Edit Cable dialog box opens. Step 2 Edit the cable fields.
Step 3 When done, do one of the following:
—Click Save to save the cable.
—Click Save & New to save the cable and continue editing cables.
Deleting a Cable
Perform the procedure below to delete a cable.
Step 1 In the cables’ main window, do one of the following
—Select a cable and then click Delete in the action toolbar.
Step 2 In the Delete Confirmation dialog box, select .
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1