The PCPro software is provided on the SV8100 Application CD (4421018). Channel Partners may also download the SV8100 PCPro software from the KISS Website.
There is no requirement to license the PCPro software to each individual Customer’s and Technician’s PC. It may be freely installed as required.
Enhancement List:
1.You can specify which unused telephone ports are reserved as Mobile extensions via the menu item.
•Programming > Unregistered Phones > Mobile Extension List
•Programming > Unregistered Phones > Unused Phone List
2.Card Configuration now contains a new menu (via right mouse click). “Configure Card” will give a list of PRGs associated with the card. You can then jump directly to System Data Programming from the Card Configuration screen.
3.Enhanced PCPro download error handling:
a.Previously, when PCPro encountered an error on a download it would notify the user and then halt the download operation.
b.Now, when PCPro encounters and error it will attempt to continue on and then display an error summary to the user. What this means is, if PCPro discovers an error with a card in some slot, it will now discard this card and continue downloading the remaining slot. At the end, it will display something like “Error download card in slot 1, this card has been deleted.”
4.Additional support for Alarm reports.
5.When taking a download of a system without a PZ‐ME50 or licensing and the cards in the system go over the 64 port limitation, PCPro will check the details and based on this will inform the port size limitations. PcPro will allow download and give a warning.
6.Improved operation of the system data list navigation tree in WebPro so that it doesn't reset to the top when expanding a node.
7.For trunk base assignments, only the correct type of trunks are listed and available to be assigned. E.g., 14‐02 Analogue Trunk assignments, Digital trunks are not listed.
8.Add ability to customise the wizard sort order. Currently, wizards are sorted alphabetically.
9.Add ability to apply telephone/trunk port filter on standard screens.
10.InMail extensions are supported in MultiAssign for extensions.
11.Updated entries in Search facility.
12.Modification History report.
13.Home screen has been updated to provide a summary of key system information.
Document No. SIB 244 | Page 49 of 52 | 1st July 2008 |
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