Legacy Terminal Compatibility
The following models of Dterm Multiline Terminals are NOT supported by the SV8100.
•Dterm 85 IP (ITH, ITR, ITN, IP‐RA)
•Dterm 70 (DTU)
•Dterm 75 (DTP)
•Dterm 60 (ETW)
•Dterm 65 (ETJ)
•Xen Topaz (DTB)
•Xen Alpha
The following models of Dterm Series i (Dterm 85) terminals and adaptors ARE supported on the SV8100.
NEC/BS | Model Name | Description |
Stock No. |
8502532 | DTR‐2DT‐1A(BK) TEL | Digital Multiline Terminal with two programmable line keys |
8502533 | DTR‐8D‐1A(BK) TEL | Digital Multiline Terminal with eight programmable line keys & four |
| soft keys |
8502534 | DTR‐16D‐1A(BK) TEL | Digital Multiline Terminal with sixteen programmable line keys & four |
| soft keys |
8502535 | DTR‐BA‐1A(BK) TEL | Digital Multiline Terminal Base for L32 Module |
8502536 | L32(LED)‐RA(BK) UNIT | Digital Multiline Module with 16 programmable line keys and 16 one‐ |
| touch keys |
8502549 | 16LCD(LK)‐RA(BK) UNIT | Line key Module for Base telephone |
| 24x3line LCD , two 8x8line LCD, 16 line buttons without LED |
8502537 | DCR‐60‐1A(BK) CONSOLE | The Attendant Console with 60 programmable line keys |
8502542 | AD(A)‐RA UNIT | Ancillary Device Adapter, allows connection of a tape recorder to all |
| DTR Multiline Terminals except DTR‐2DT‐1. |
8502541 | AP(A)‐RA UNIT | Analogue Port Adapter without Ringer, is the interface for installing |
| Single Line |
| Telephones, Modems, Credit Card Readers, Wireless Headsets, NEC |
| VoicePoint/VoicePoint Plus Conferencing unit, and other compatible |
| analogue devices. |
8502540 | AP(R)‐RA UNIT | Analogue Port Adapter with Ringer with all AP(A) functionality. |
8502544 | CT(A)‐RA UNIT | Computer Telephony Adapter allows a DTR Multiline Terminal |
| connection to a PC via RS232 (25 PIN) connection. |
8502548 | CT(U)‐RA UNIT | Computer Telephony Adapter allows a DTR Multiline Terminal |
| connection to a PC via USB connection. |
8502543 | WM‐RA UNIT | Wall Mount Unit used for when adapters are used and the telephone is |
| to be installed on the wall |
Document No. SIB 244 | Page 27 of 52 | 1st July 2008 |
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