Reference Manual for the Model CG814M Wireless Cable Modem Gateway
Most web surfing is done on port 80. The parental control feature monitors port 80 so proxy based web surfing would not be inspected by the parental controls. The proxy filter should be used if parental controls are being used.
A cookie is a text file saved by your web browser which is sent to a particular web servier every time you visit the site. Cookies are used to identify you to the web server automatically.
Java Applets
Java Applets are programs that run from within another application, such as a web browser.
An ActiveX control is a Microsoft Windows program that can be downloaded from a web page and automatically executed by your web browser on your PC.
Popup Windows
Many internet sites open additional browser windows, called popups. They are often used for advertisments. The CG814M can filter out many of these popup windows.
Port Blocking
Firewall rules are used to block or allow specific traffic passing through from one side to the other. Inbound rules (WAN to LAN) restrict access by outsiders to private resources, selectively allowing only specific outside users to access specific resources. Instructions for setting up inbound rules can be found in “Port Forwarding“ on page
A firewall has two default rules, one for inbound traffic and one for outbound. The default rules of the CG814M Gateway are:
•Inbound: Block all access from outside except responses to requests from the LAN side.
•Outbound: Allow all access from the LAN side to the outside.
You may define additional rules that will specify exceptions to the default rules. By adding custom rules, you can block or allow access based on the service or application, source or destination IP addresses, and time of day. You can also choose to log traffic that matches or does not match the
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