Chapter 2
Connecting to the Internet
This chapter describes the various ways you can connect your DM111P ADSL2+ Ethernet Modem to the Internet.
Information You Need Before You Begin
Before you attempt to connect to the Internet you will need the information provided by your Internet Service Provider (ISP) when you opened your account. At a minimum, you will need your login account name and password. The Setup Wizard may find the type of protocol used by your ISP, and other configuration parameters automatically, or it may prompt you for the following parameters:
•Virtual Path Identifier (VPI)
•Virtual Circuit Identifier (VCI)
•Bridging protocol (PPPoA, PPPoE, or RFC2684)
•Multiplexing method, which may be one of the following:
–VIrtual Circuit (VC) based (usually used by PPPoA protocol)
–Logical Link Control (LLC) based (usually used by PPPoE and RFC2684 protocols)
•Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size (usually 1500 bytes)
Connecting to the Internet
If the modem was provided by your ISP or you need assistance with physically connecting your modem, use the Setup Wizard on the CD to connect to the Internet. If the modem was not provided by your ISP and you do not need
Connecting to the Internet |