Reference Manual for th e Pr oSafe VPN F irewall 25 with 4 Gigabi t LAN a nd Dual WAN Por ts
Router and Network Management 8-11
202-10085-01, March 2005
You can access the command line interface (CLI) either by using telnet or by connecting a terminal
to the console port on the front of the unit.
To access the CLI from a communications terminal when the FVS124G VPN Firewall is still set to
its factory defaults (or use your own settings if you have changed them), do the following:
1. From the command line prompt, enter the following command:
2. Enter admin and password when prompted for the login and password information (or enter
guest and password to log in as a read-only guest).
Note: No password protection exists when using the console port to access the unit.
Any configuration changes made via the CLI are not preserved after a reboot or power cycle unless
the user issues the CLI save command after making the changes.

Event Alerts

You can be alerted to important events such as WAN port rollover , WAN traf fic limits reached, and
login failures and attacks.

WAN Port Rollover

You can request an email alert when the WAN port rolls over if the WAN mode is configured for

Traffic Limits Reached

Figure 8-3 shows the Internet Traffic screen that is invoked by clicking Internet Traffic under
WAN Setup on the Main Menu bar. The WAN1 and WAN2 ports are programmed separately. A
WAN port shuts down once its traffic limit is reached when this feature is enabled.