Reference Manual for the WG602 v2 54 Mbps Wireless Access Point
Networking Layer. The most widely used version of IP today is IP version 4 (IPv4). However, IP version 6 (IPv6) is also beginning to be supported. IPv6 provides for much longer addresses and therefore for the possibility of many more Internet users. IPv6 includes the capabilities of IPv4 and any server that can support IPv6 packets can also support IPv4 packets.
See “Internet Protocol”
IP Address
Internet service provider.
See “Local Area Network”
Local Area Network
A communications network serving users within a limited area, such as one floor of a building. A LAN typically connects multiple personal computers and shared network devices such as storage and printers. Although many technologies exist to implement a LAN, Ethernet is the most common for connecting personal computers and is limited to a distance of 1,500 feet. LANs can be connected together, but if modems and telephones connect two or more LANs, the larger network constitutes what is called a WAN or Wide Area Network.
(1) Medium Access Control. In LANs, the sublayer of the data link control layer that supports
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