Wireless N150 Access Point WN604
Schedule the Wireless Radio
You can schedule the times when the wireless radio is on and off, for any day of the week. This feature depends on the NTP (Network Time Protocol) functionality. If an NTP client request fails, then last configured value of radio status is restored. Also, if the wireless radio is disabled, then the scheduled feature does not work.
To schedule the wireless radio:
1.Select Configuration > Wireless > Scheduled Wireless
By default, the On radio button is selected for the Scheduled Wireless
2.If you want to change this so that the wireless radio is off except when you schedule it to be on, select the Off radio button.
3.For Radio Off Schedule, select the check boxes for each day on which you want to turn off the wireless radio for that entire day.
4.In the Radio On Time and Radio Off Time fields, set the period that the wireless radio is on and off for the days not selected in the radio off schedule.
5.Click Apply.
Advanced Wireless Settings
Advanced wireless settings are used to configure and enable various WLAN parameters for the 802.11b/bg/ng modes. The default WLAN parameters usually work well. However, you can use these settings to
To configure advanced wireless settings:
1. Select Configuration > Wireless > Advanced > Wireless Settings.
Advanced Configuration