Releasing the shutter
When the shutter button is released, an exposure is made on the film. It is important when snapping the shutter not to cause the camera to shake. Press gently with the finger tip. When the shutter is released while looking through the viewfinder, the field of view is momentarily blocked since the mirror is raised.
At shutter speeds slower than 1/30 sec ., the camera tends to shake if it is hand held. In such a situation, it is best to secure the camera on a tri - pod , or against a solid surface.
The soft shutter release
The shutter cannot be tripped in the following cases:
(1)When the film is not advanced.
(2)Whe n both the
1.When using a tripod, a cable release should be used. The cable release should be pressed gently.
2.When mounting the camera on a tripod, do not