Depth of field refers to a zone within which blur (or lack of definition) will be negligible and everything can be accepted as being in sharp focus. Depth of field extends a greater distance behind the subject in focus than in front . It depends on two factors- reproduction ratio and aperture. The smaller the aperture and the greater the reproduction ratio, the greater the depth of field. By carefully considering the desired pers- pective and reproduction ratio, as well as available
Depth-of-field scale
The depth of field can be read from the
For example, f/16 on the aperture ring of the 50 mm f/l.4 lens is blue. With the lens prefocused at 17 feet (5 m) the numbers on the distance scale opposite the blue lines show that the depth of field extends from 9 feet to infinity (00).
Remember that smaller apertures, although rendering a greater depth of field," require slower shutter speeds. Consider both factors carefully before shooting, and always focus accurately.
Lens at f/2 small depth of field
Lens at f/11 larger depth of field