Photography with Automatic Exposure Contro l

Th e f low chart below shows the basic pi cture- taking of auto matic ex posure co ntro l with the Nikomat ELW.

- To set the Aperture

Apertu re-priority Shooting

A system to ob- tai n a correct expos ure w ith the automatic contro l of sh ut - ter speed by set- ting a pert ure .


Compose a nd Co nfirm the black needle


Co nfirm the gree n need le in the viewfi nd er indicates A.

Shutter-speed- ..priority shooting

A system to ob- tain a desi red

s hutter-s pee d w ith a utom at ic co n- trol by cha ngi ng aperture.

Co mpose and Co nfirm the black needle


T o obtain the the des ired shu tter-speed

in the viewfinder'



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Image 32
Nikon Elw instruction manual General Steps of Picture -TAKING Continu ed