The reflex mirror must be locked in the up position when the battery is replaced, or during microsco pi c photography, where even the minu - test shake mu st be preve nted. Th e mi rro r must also be locked when using the Fisheye-Nikkor 6 mm f/5.6 or the OP Fisheye-Nikkor 10 mm f/5.6 lenses since their rear elements protrud e into the ca mera body and interfe re with mirror move ment. To lock the mirror, turn the mill ed mirror-lock lever upward. Th e mirror will remain locked in the up pos itio n until the lever is returned to its or igi nal pos iti on.

Caution: When releasing the shutter with the mirror in the locked up position, use the se lf-timer instead of the shutter release button. This will g ive adequate time for the lens diaphragm to respond. Failure to observe this precaution may resu lt in incorrect exposure, although there is no danger of camera damage.


In infrared photograph y, the pl ane of foc us I S slight ly fart her than the o ne produ ced by visible Iight an d seen by the naked eye t hrough the view-finder. To co mpensate for the shift in focus, Nik kor lenses have a red dot or lin e on the lens bar rel near the depth -of-field index sca le.

After focusing the image sharpl.y, turn the focusing ring to the left until the red dot lines up with the prefoc used distance.

In the exa mpl e below, a 50 mm f/1.4 lens has been focused at infinity (00). The foc using ring is turned to the left so that the mark (00) appears in lin e with the red dot. Wh en lenses having a focal length of 50 mm or less arc sto pped dow n to f/8 or smaller, no adjustment is necessary . For the lenses without red dot (e.g. ED lenses and Reflex Nikkor lenses), no adjustment is necessary.

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Nikon Elw instruction manual Mirror Lock, Infrared Photography