Frequently Asked Questions
Q:Will the Angle of View of the lens I’m using be affected?
A:No, the Angle of View of the lens on the Mini35 will be similar to the Angle of View as seen in the Academy 35mm frame. Reason: The image the Mini35Digital creates is not projected directly onto the camera’s CCDs, but is first resolved onto the focus screen. The camera then captures this image, with all of its filmic characteristics, including Depth of Field.
Q:My image is vignetted (dark frame around image). Why?
A:Make sure that your matte box and any equipment in front of the lens does not cause the vignetting.
Some old lens designs with small rear lenses do not work properly with the Mini35, because the diameter of the last lens is to small. This is concerning the Cooke Series II & III and Zeiss Distagons below 40mm. The
Q:Do I have to send my camera to P+S Technik to do any mechanical or electronic changes before I can use the Mini35Digital image converter?
A:No. No modifications to the camera are necessary.