More on Shooting
Shooting Suited for the Scene (Scene Mode)
Camera settings are automatically optimized for the selected scene type. The
following scene modes are available.
Selecting a Scene Mode
1Press A in shooting mode to
display the shooting-mode
selection menu and use the multi
selector H and I to select scene
The icon of the last scene mode used is
displayed. b (Portrait) is the default
2Press K, press the multi selector H, I, J, or
K to select a scene, and press k.
The shooting mode screen for the selected scene is
Features (A36)
3Frame the subject and shoot.
For scene modes that use the flash, be
sure to raise the built-in flash before
b Portrait g Beach/snow k Close-up o Backlight
c Landscape h Sunset u Food p Panorama assist
e Night portrait i Dusk/dawn l Museum
f Party/indoor j Night landscape n Copy
DImage Mode
When using scene mode, you can set Image mode (A51) by pressing d. If the image mode
setting is changed, the new image mode setting is also applied to other shooting modes (except
sport continuous).