More on Shooting
More on Shooting
Selecting Shooting Mode
Select the shooting mode from G easy auto mode, b scene mode, F smart
portrait, d sport continuous mode, or A auto mode.
1Press A in shooting mode.
The shooting-mode selection menu is
2Use the multi selector H or I to select a
shooting mode and press k.
The camera enters the selected shooting mode.
When scene mode is selected (the second icon from
the top), the scene type can be changed before
pressing k. Press K, press H, I, J, or K to select
the desired scene type, then press k.
To return to the current shooting mode without switching shooting modes, press A
or the shutter-release button.
1GEasy auto mode A20
By simply framing a picture, the camera automatically selects the optimum scene
mode for simpler shooting.
2b Scene A35
Camera settings are automatically optimized for the selected scene type.
3F Smart portrait A44
The camera detects a smiling face to shoot the face automatically.
4d Sport continuous A46
Allows rapid, continuous shooting while you press and hold the shutter-release
button fully.
5A Auto mode A48
You can change the flash mode, use macro mode (for close-ups), etc., and take
pictures. You can also select to shoot bursts of pictures continuously.
Easy auto mode