Playback Features
1Available when a still image is displayed.
2Images are edited and saved as separate files. Certain limitations apply when editing images. For
example, you cannot apply the same editing feature multiple times to the same image (E3).
3Available when a movie is displayed.
Z View A View3You can play back movies (A77). 77
F Favorites
You can sort images by adding your favorite
images to albums. This makes it easier to find
the images you are looking for. You can also
protect selected images from accidental
D Photo albums1You can display images similarly to a photo
album. E26
m Slide show
Play back images, saved in the internal
memory or on a memory card, one by one in
an automated slide show.
G Choose by date You can select a date and view images that
were captured on that date. E29
d Rotate pictures1Specify the orientation in which saved images
are displayed during playback. E30
s Small picture1, 2 Create a small copy of the current image. This
feature is useful for creating copies for display
on Web pages or for e-mail attachments.
a Print order1
When using a printer to print images saved on
the memory card, you can use the Print order
function to select which images are printed,
and how many copies of each image are
h Copy Copy images between the internal memory
and a memory card. E33
E Exchange messages1You can add voice messages to your images. E36
n Erase You can delete images. E40
Option Descriptions A