Red-eye Correction: Correcting Red-eye When Shooting with the Flash

Press the cbutton (playback mode) Mselect an image Mdbutton

MRed-eye correction Mkbutton

Preview the result and press the k button.

To exit without saving the copy, press the multi selector J.

Red-eye correction

Back Save

B Notes About Red-eye Correction

Red-eye correction can only be applied to images when red-eye is detected.

Red-eye correction can be applied to pets (dogs or cats) even if their eyes are not red.

Red-eye correction may not produce the desired results in some images.

In rare cases, red-eye correction may be applied unnecessarily to other areas of the image.


Glamour Retouch: Enhancing Human Faces

Press the cbutton (playback mode) Mselect an image Mdbutton MGlamour retouch Mkbutton


1Use the multi selector HIJKto

select the face that you want to retouch and press the kbutton.

When only one face is detected, proceed to step 2.

Subject selection

