Nokia 6670 manual Change your availability, Change your presence information, Public Presence

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Personal information

Select Options > Login or Logout to log in and out of the presence service.

The presence application on your phone allows you to change your own published information and determine who is authorized to see your presence. To view the presence information of others, you must use the Contacts application. See "View subscribed contacts" on page 38.

Change your availability

Select Options > My availability and one of the following:

Available—You are available for people to call or send you messages, for example, your phone is set to Normal profile. See "Profiles" on page 85.

Busy—You may be available for people to call or send you messages, for example, your phone is in Meeting profile.

Not available—You are not available for people to call or send you messages, for example, your phone is in Silent profile.

Change your presence information

You can set up public, private, and blocked presence information, and define who can view your information.


Select Menu > Presence > Public pres. to change your public presence information. This information is available to anyone you have not blocked. Select Options and one of the following:

My availability—SelectAvailable, Busy, or Not available.

Viewers—Open the Current viewers list to see the names, phone numbers, or user IDs of the viewers whom you do not allow to view your private presence messages, but who are currently viewing your public presence. You can scroll to a viewer, press Options, and select from the following options:

Add to private list—Allow the viewer to also see your private presence.

Block—Prevent the viewer from seeing your presence information.

Add to contacts—Add the viewer to your contacts directory.

Refresh lists—Update the viewer lists. This option is only available when you are not logged in to the presence service.

Login or Logout—Connect to or disconnect from the presence service.

Update presence—Update your presence information to the presence service.

Settings—Manage the publishing of your presence information.

Nokia 6670 User Guide


Copyright © 2005 Nokia

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Nokia 6670 manual Change your availability, Change your presence information, Public Presence