Nokia 6670 manual Set an alarm, Stop an alarm, Select Menu Extras Clock

Models: 6670

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Select Options > Record sound clip, scroll to a function, and press the Scroll key to select it:




Fast forward

Fast rewind

Play an opened sound file


Select Menu > Extras > Clock.

Options in Clock are Set alarm, Reset alarm, Remove alarm,

Settings, Help, and Exit.

Change settings

To change the time or date, select Options > Settings. See also “Date and time” on page 74.

Set an alarm

1To set a new alarm, select Options > Set alarm.

2Enter the alarm time, and press OK.

When the alarm is active, the indicator is shown.

To cancel an alarm, select Clock > Options > Remove alarm.

Stop an alarm

Press Stop to turn off the alarm.

Press Snooze to stop the alarm for 5 minutes, after which it will resume. You can do this a maximum of 5 times.

If the alarm time is reached while the phone is switched off, the phone switches on and starts sounding the alarm tone. If you press Stop, you receive a message asking whether you want to activate the phone for calls. Press No to switch off the phone or Yes to make and receive calls.

Do not press Yes when wireless phone use is prohibited or when it may cause interference or danger.

Nokia 6670 User Guide


Copyright © 2005 Nokia

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Nokia 6670 manual Set an alarm, Stop an alarm, Select Menu Extras Clock