Nokia 6670 manual Automatic login, Set up presence status updates, IM Conversations

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Instant messaging (IM) (network service)

Allow messages from and Allow invitations from—These settings define whether you receive instant messages or group invitations from All, IM contacts only, or None.

Message speed—Select the speed at which new messages are displayed.

Auto-reloadavailab.—Choose how to update information when your IM contacts log in or out of the IM service. Select Automatically or Manually.

Reload user availab.—Use this setting to define which IM contacts are included in a manual or automatic status update. Select For all contacts to refresh the status information of all your IM contacts, or choose specific IM contacts.

Automatic login

You can log in automatically when you start the IM application. First you must ensure that your IM user ID and password are entered for your IM server. To check this, go to the IM main menu, and select Options > Settings > Server settings > Servers and the IM server you are using. Scroll to the User ID and Password fields to enter your information.

To turn automatic login on, scroll to the IM login type field in the Server settings screen, and select On app. start-up. If you want to turn automatic login off, select Manual.

Set up presence status updates

Presence allows you and other users to know who is online and available to chat. You can set your phone to update a contact’s presence status automatically every time it is changed. From the IM main menu, select Options > Settings >

IM settings > Reload user availab.

You can also designate whether your own presence information is updated when you log in to IM. From the IM main menu, select Options > Settings > Server settings > Presence login type > Automatic, Aut. in home net. (automatic in home network), On app. start-up, or Manual.

For more information on the presence feature, see “Presence (network service)” on page 38.


Select Menu > IM > Conversations.

Options in Conversations are Open, Delete, Add to IM contacts, New conversation, Set auto reply on, Blocking options, Close conversation, Settings, Help, and Exit.

Nokia 6670 User Guide


Copyright © 2005 Nokia

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Nokia 6670 manual Automatic login, Set up presence status updates, IM Conversations, IM settings Reload user availab