Nokia 6670 manual Extras, Calculator, Converter, Convert units

Models: 6670

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11 Extras


Select Menu > Extras > Notes.

You can link notes to Go to and send them to other devices. Plain text files (TXT format) you receive can be saved to Notes.

Press any key from 1 to 0 to start to write. Press the Clear key to clear letters. Press Done to save.


Select Menu > Extras > Calculator.

Options in the calculator are Last result, Memory, Clear screen, Help, and Exit.

1Enter the first number of your calculation. To add a decimal, press the # key.

If you make a mistake, press the Clear key to erase it.

2Scroll to an arithmetic function, and press the Scroll key to select it.

3Enter the second number.

4To execute the calculation, scroll to and press the Scroll key.

Press and hold the Clear key to clear the result of the previous calculation.

Use and to view previous calculations and move in the sheet.

Note: This calculator has limited accuracy and is designed for simple calculations. Rounding errors may occur, especially in long division.


Select Menu > Extras > Converter.

In Converter, you can convert measures from one unit to another; for example, you can convert length from yards to meters. Converter has limited accuracy and rounding errors may occur.

Convert units

Options in Converter are Conversion type, Currency rates (not applicable to other units), Help, and Exit.

To make currency conversions, you must first set the exchange rate. See "Set a base currency and exchange rates" on page 90.

1Scroll to Type, and press the Scroll key to open a list of measures.

Nokia 6670 User Guide


Copyright © 2005 Nokia

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Nokia 6670 manual Extras, Calculator, Converter, Convert units