Nokia manual View connection details, End connections, Data call, Nokia 6670 User Guide 119

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In Connection manager you can identify the status of multiple data connections, view details on the amount of data sent and received, and end unused connections.

You can view details of data connections only.

Voice calls are not listed.

When you open Connection manager, you can see the following:

Open data connections:

Data call


The status of each connection

Amount of data uploaded and downloaded for each connection (GPRS connections only)

The duration of each connection (data call connections only)

Note: The actual time invoiced by your service provider may vary, depending on network features, rounding off for billing, and so forth.

Options in Connection manager when there are one or more connections are Details, Disconnect, Disconnect all, Help, and Exit.

View connection details

To view the details of a connection, scroll to a connection and select Options > Details. The following information is displayed:

Name—The name of the Internet access point (IAP) in use

Bearer—The type of data connection: Data call or GPRS

Status—The current status of the connection

Received—The amount of data, in bytes, received to the phone

Sent—The amount of data, in bytes, sent from the phone

Duration—The length of time that the connection has been open

Speed—The current speed of both sending and receiving data in kB/s

Dial-up(GSM) or Name (GPRS)—The GSM dial-up number used or the name of the GPRS access point used

Shared—The number of applications using the same connection. This option is not displayed if the connection is not shared.

End connections

Scroll to a connection and select Options > Disconnect to end that connection only, or select Options > Disconnect all to close all currently open connections.

Nokia 6670 User Guide


Copyright © 2005 Nokia

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Nokia manual View connection details, End connections, Data call, Nokia 6670 User Guide 119