Nokia 6670 manual Remove an application, File Manager, View memory consumption

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Tools and applications

Remove an application

1Scroll to the application and select Options > Remove.

2Press Yes to confirm the removal.

If you remove an application, you can only reinstall it if you have the original application or a full backup of the removed application. If you remove an application, you may no longer be able to open documents created with that application. If another application depends on the application that you removed, the other application may stop working. Refer to the documentation of the installed application for details.


Select Menu > Tools > File mngr.

Options in File manager are Open, Send, Delete, Move to folder, Copy to folder, New folder, Mark/Unmark, Rename, Find, View details, Memory details, Help, and Exit.

In File manager, you can browse, open, and manage files and folders in the phone memory or on the memory card, if you use one.

Open File manager to see a list of the folders in the phone memory. Scroll right to see the folders on the memory card, if you use one.

You can browse, open, and create folders, mark, copy and move items to folders. See "Common actions for all applications" on page 26.

Not all folders are visible in File manager (for example, system folders are not visible).

View memory consumption

If you have a memory card installed on your phone, you will have a choice of two memory views, one for the phone memory and one for the memory card.

Scroll right or left to move from one memory tab to another.

To check memory consumption of the current memory, select Options > Memory details.

The phone calculates the approximate amount of free memory for storing data and installing new applications.

In the memory views, you can view the memory consumption of the different data groups: Calendar, Contacts, Documents, Messages, Images, Sound files, Video clips, Applications, Mem. in use, and Free memory.

Nokia 6670 User Guide


Copyright © 2005 Nokia

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Nokia 6670 manual Remove an application, File Manager, View memory consumption, Select Menu Tools File mngr