Nokia 6670 manual Rearrange the menu, Options Lists, Common Actions for ALL Applications

Models: 6670

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Rearrange the menu

You can rearrange the menu icons as required. You can place more rarely used applications in folders and move applications that you use more often from a folder to the main menu. You can also create new folders.

1Scroll to the item you want to move, and select Options > Move. A check mark is placed beside the application.

2Scroll to where you want the application, and select OK.

To move an item to a folder or from a folder to the menu, see “Common actions for all applications” on page 26.

Switch between open applications

If you have several applications open and want to switch from one application to another, press and hold the Menu key. The application switching window opens showing a list of applications that are currently open. Scroll to an application and press the Scroll key to go to it.

If memory is getting low, the phone may close some applications. The phone saves any unsaved data before an application is closed.


Options lists tell you which commands are available in different views and situations. The available commands change depending on the view. In some situations, when you press the Scroll key, a shorter options list appears, listing the main commands available in the view.


Open items for viewing—When you are viewing a list of files or folders and want to open an item, scroll to the item and press the center of the Scroll key, or select Options > Open.

Edit items—To change the contents of an item, open it for viewing and select Options > Edit. Use the Scroll key to view all fields of the item.

Rename items—To give an item a new name, scroll to the file or folder and select Options > Rename.

Remove, delete items—Scroll to the item, and select Options > Delete; or press the Clear key. To delete many items at a time, mark each item and delete all of them at once.


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Nokia 6670 manual Rearrange the menu, Options Lists, Common Actions for ALL Applications