Nokia 6820i IM Conversations, Conversation view, Write and send to contact, Receive and reply

Models: 6820i

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Instant messaging

3At the prompt, enter your user name if it is not already displayed, and select OK.

4At the prompt, enter your password, and select OK.

After you have logged into IM the first time, you can choose whether to keep logging in manually or log in automatically. See “Automatic login” on page 45 for information on setting up automatic login.


You can send instant messages to anyone who uses the same IM service as you do and if you have that person’s user name. You can also add that person to your IM contact list during an IM conversation. See “IM contacts” on page 42 for more information. More than one IM conversation can be active at the same time.

Conversation view

The conversation view of your IM conversation shows your initial message followed by the reply. As the conversation progresses, the most recent message appears at the bottom of the screen, causing the last message to move up one level. The conversation is still active, even if you leave the conversation view. You can return to it when you want.

1From the IM online menu, select Conversations.

2Select the IM conversation you want, and select Open.

Write and send to contact

1From the IM online menu, select Contacts and the contact to whom you want to send a message.

2Select Chat > Write, enter a message, and select Send.

Receive and reply


When you receive an instant message from the person with whom you are already chatting, the sender’s reply appears below your most recent message.

Select Write, enter a message, and select Send.

When you receive an instant message from someone with whom you are not currently chatting, the phone beeps, and the new message icon ( ) appears.

To view the message, select Back, scroll to the new message, and select Open.

To reply, select Write, enter a message, and select Send.


When you receive an instant message, your phone beeps, and New instant message appears.

To view the message, select Read.

To reply, select Write, enter a message, and select Send.

Nokia 6820i User Guide


Copyright © 2004 Nokia

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Nokia 6820i warranty IM Conversations, Conversation view, Write and send to contact, Receive and reply