Nokia 6820i warranty Sending options, Write and send SMS, Read and reply to SMS

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3To send the message, press the Talk key.

4Enter the recipient’s phone number, or search for it in Contacts, and select OK.

Sending options

After you have written a message, select Options > Sending options to choose from the following options:

Send to many—to send a message to several recipients. When you have sent the message to all the intended recipients, select Done.

Send to list—to send a message using a distribution list.

Sending profile—to send a message using a message profile.

Write and send SMS

Before you can send an e-mail using SMS, you need to save the settings for sending e-mail. For availability and subscription to the e-mail service, contact your service provider.

1Select Menu > Messages > Text messages > Create SMS e-mail.

2Key in the recipient’s e-mail address; or search for it in Contacts, and select OK.

3If you wish, you can key in a subject for the e-mail, and select OK.

4Key in the e-mail message.

The total number of characters that you can key in is shown on the top right of the display. The e-mail address and subject are included in the total number of characters.

Also see “Text and picture templates” on page 29. Pictures cannot be inserted.

5To send the e-mail, press the Talk key.

If you have not saved the settings for sending e-mail, the phone prompts you to enter the number of the e-mail server. Key in the information, and select OK to send the e-mail.

Note: When sending e-mail using the SMS network service, your phone may display Message sent. This is an indication that the e-mail has been sent by your phone to the e-mail server. This is not an indication that the e-mail has been received at the intended destination. For more details about e-mail services, check with your service provider.

Read and reply to SMS

When you receive a message or an e-mail, the new message icon and the number of new messages followed by message(s) received is shown.

The blinking icon indicates that the message memory is full. Before you can receive new messages, delete some of your old messages from the Inbox folder.

1Select Show to view the new message. Select Exit to view it later. To view the message later, select Menu > Messages > Text messages > Inbox.


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Nokia 6820i warranty Sending options, Write and send SMS, Read and reply to SMS