Contact Nokia
Please have your product with you when contacting any of these numbers:
From time to time, Nokia updates this guide to reflect changes. The latest version
may be available at www.nokia.com. An interactive tutorial for this product may
be available at www.nokiahowto.com.
Accessibility solutions
Nokia is committed to making mobile phones easy to use for all individuals, including
those with disabilities. For more information visit www.nokiaaccessibility.com.
Nokia Care Contact Center, USA
Nokia Inc.
4630 Woodland Corporate Blvd.
Suite #160
Tampa, Florida 33614
Tel: 1-888-NOKIA-2U
Fax: 1-813-249-9619
Web site: www.nokiausa.com/support
In Canada call:
Tel: 1-888-22-NOKIA
Web site: www.nokia.ca
For TTY/TDD users:
1-800-24-NOKIA (1-800-246-6542)