Advanced functions
74 NN42030-107 MC 3100 3.0 Standard 02.02 November 2008
Your new buddy is added to the local address book
Note 1: After importing a buddy, ensure that the buddy contact
information is complete. You may need to add a tag or special
character that was not present in the original record.
Note 2: The buddy display name contains the title, first name, and
last name entered in the MCC3100 for Windows Mobile address
Viewing the Presence Status of buddies
Track the presence status of your buddies. Check the following presence
status for:
a single buddy
all buddies
notification of when the presence status of a buddy changes.
Configure the MCC 3100 for Windows Mobile to receive automatic
presence status updates. By doing this, you can stay up-to-date with the
latest status information for all of your buddies. To switch from manual
(default) to automatic mode, select Auto Presence Enabled on the Buddy
Viewing the presence status of a single buddy
1. Expand the Buddy list.
2. Scroll and highlight a buddy, and then choose one of the following:
Menu, Query Presence to check buddy status
Menu, Set Presence Alert to be alerted of a status change.
Menu, Clear Presence Alert to cancel status change alerts.
The Buddy list updates with the current presence status for the
selected buddy.