The following acronyms are used in this guide:
AC | alternating current |
AUI | attachment unit interface |
CHAP | Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol |
CSU | channel service unit |
dBA | decibels audible |
DIP | Dual Inline Pins |
DSL | digital subscriber lines |
DSU | digital (or data) service unit |
IP | Internet Protocol |
ISDN | Integrated Services Digital Network |
ISP | Internet service provider |
Kb/s | kilobits per second |
LAN | local area network |
LED | |
Mb/s | megabits per second |
MP | Multilink Protocol |
NAT | Network Address Translation |
NT1 | Network termination type 1 |
PAP | Password Authentication Protocol |
POP | point of presence |
PPP | |
PPPoE | |
PVC | permanent virtual circuit |
ROM | |
WAN | wide area network |