Using System features 99
P0908510 Issue 02 Enterprise Edge Feature Programming Telephone Guide
You cannot forward calls to a direct-dial telephone that is outside your Enterprise
Edge system.
Changing the direct-dial telephone assignments
Your installer sets up the direct-dial telephone.
You can change which direct-dial telephone a telephone is assigned to, or assign it
no direct-dial telephone. You need to start a Unified Manager session to program
this feature. For more information about programming using the Unified Manager,
see the Enterprise Edge Programming Operations Guide.
Any number of telephones can be assigned to call the direct-dial telephone.
A hotline telephone calls a preset internal or external telephone number when you
pick up the receiver (or press ©).
Bypassing a Hotlin e
Press a line button, or use the Pre-Dial or Automatic Dial feature before you pick
up the receiver or press © on a hotline telephone. See the Telephone
Feature Card or see Changing how you dial your calls on page 34.
Making a telephone a hotline telephone
You can set up a telephone as a hotline.
The digit you dial in order to get the direct-dial telephone to ring can be
programmed by your installer.
The Enterprise Edge system cannot verify that the number you assign as an
external direct-dial telephone is valid. Check the number before assigning it
as a direct-dial telephone, and call the direct-dial telephone after you’ve
assigned it in order to te s t it .
Label the telephone to inform anyone using it that Hotline is active.
A Hunt Group set DN can be specified as a Hotline telephone. For more
information on Hunt Groups see Hunt Groups on page 83.