134 Appendix A: Feature Codes
Enterprise Edge Feature Programming Telephone Guide P0908510 Issue 02
ƒ°‡‚ Viewing active se rvices
ƒ°‡⁄ Turning Ringing service on
ƒ£°‡⁄ Turning Ringing service off
ƒ°‡¤ Turning Restriction service on
ƒ£°‡¤ Turning Restriction service off
ƒ°‡‹ Turning Routing service on
ƒ£°‡‹ Turning Routing service off
ƒ•°‡fi Alarm time
ƒ£°‡fi Alarm time - Cancel
ƒ°‡fl Room condition (Room set)
ƒ•°‡‡ Alarm time (HS admin set)
ƒ°‡° Room condition (HS admin set)
ƒ°‡· Room occupancy
1 For the Companion C3050 Etiquette and C3050 CT2Plus portable
telephones, enter •• followed by the numeric code to activate this feature.
Activation code Description