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MAS fault management
At a minimum, the following are monitored and logged by the OS:
•User authentication attempts
•Unauthorized attempts to access resources (files or programs on the server, for example)
•User login attempts (both successes and failures)
•Changes made to a user security profile or to user attributes
•Disabling and enabling of a user profile
•Changes made to security profile or attributes associated with a channel or port
•Changes made to access rights associated with resources
•Changes made in the security configuration
MAS Console security logs
The MAS Console generates security logs for the following operations:
•Software stops, starts, and restarts
•Operational state changes (lock,
•Changes made to configuration data
•Backups and Restores (system or service data)
•Active sessions control (mute,
•Generate Report (control panel)
A critical event viewer application log is generated if the console is unable to write to a security log. The contents of the log are as follows:
•Date and Time
•User ID
•Type of Operation (for example, stops, starts, or configuration data changes)
•Source (client) IP address
•Success and Failure of operations
When a serious error is detected and corrective action is required, the MAS platform generates an alarm. Alarms generate an event log each time an alarm is raised or cleared and this provides a clear record of all state changes on the platform.
Nortel Media Application Server 6.0 for AS 5300
Release 6.0 03 June 2008
Copyright © 2008, Nortel Networks