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MAS installation
Supported hardware platform
You can install the MAS software on an IBM X3550. The X3550 has an Intel XEON 5140 2.33 GHZ processor, 2 GB of RAM and a SCSI hard drive.
Supported operating system
You can install the MAS software on Windows 2003 operating system (OS). To comply with the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Security Technical Implementation Guideline (STIG) and
and security software must be installed
on the MAS before you install MAS platform or MAS application software.
MAS platform core components
The MAS platform software includes the following core components:
•Session controller (page 8)
•VXML browser (page 8)
•SIP Multimedia Conductor (SIPMC) (page 8)
•Multimedia Controller (page 8)
•IVR media processor (IVRMP) (page 9)
•Conference media processor (page 9)
•Multimedia Content Store (page 9)
•Stream source (page 9)
•Reporter (page 9)
Session controller
The Session Controller (SC) provides the application execution environment and manages all platform resources. The Media Controller provides the conduit for communication between components and is the core of the platform.
VXML browser
The VXML Browser (VXMLI) provides the execution environment for VXML based applications.
SIP Multimedia Conductor (SIPMC)
The SIP Multimedia Conductor (SIPMC) provides SIP signalling and session management capabilities.
Multimedia Controller
The Multimedia Controller (also called the SoftIVR Controller, or SC) is the core of the MAS platform. The SC provides the conduit for communication between components, provides the environment for application execution,
Nortel Media Application Server 6.0 for AS 5300
Release 6.0 03 June 2008
Copyright © 2008, Nortel Networks