digest access authentication
A method which web page can use to establish user identity (using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol) without having to send a password in plaintext over the network.
audio codec
A computer program that compresses and decompresses digital audio data according to a given audio file format or streaming audio format.
See automatic speech recognition.
automatic speech recognition
The process of converting a speech signal to a sequence of words, by means of an algorithm implemented as a computer program.
Call Control Extensible Markup Language
An Extensible Markup Language (XML) standard designed to provide telephony support to VoiceXML. Informs the voice browser how to handle the telephony control of the voice channel. See also Voice Extensible Markup Language.
See Call Control Extensible Markup Language.
Differentiated Services
A computer networking architecture that specifies a simple, scalable, and
Nortel Media Application Server 6.0 for AS 5300
Release 6.0 03 June 2008
Copyright © 2008, Nortel Networks