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Nortel MAS Console
Field | Description |
Supported Digital Relay | You can enable or disable the following supported |
Methods | digital relay methods: INFO Digits and RFC2833. |
| Attention: Nortel recommends that you do not |
| disable all methods. If you disable all methods, |
| inband DTMF detection is enforced and system |
| capacity degrades. |
Add | Click Add to enable a digital relay method. From |
| the Available list, select a digital relay method, and |
| then click Add. |
Add All | Click Add All to enable all digital relay methods. |
| From the Available list, select a digital relay |
| method, and then click Add All. |
Remove | Click Remove to disable a digital relay method. |
| From the Enable list, select a digital relay method, |
| and then click Remove. |
Remove All | Click Remove All to disable all digital relay |
| methods. From the Enable list, select a digital relay |
| method, and then click Remove All. |
Up and Down | Use the Up and Down buttons to change the order |
| of the enabled digital relay methods. |
Assign RFC 2833 Payload | This check box is selected by default. Nortel |
Type Dynamically | recommends that RFC 2833 payload type is |
| assigned dynamically. However, some clients |
| require a fixed payload type. |
Specify Type | If you require a fixed payload type, clear the Assign |
| RFC 2833 Payload Type Dynamically check box, |
| and then in the Specify Type box, type the payload |
| type. |
Restart Required | This is a |
| restart of the server is required if you modify the |
| trusted node host name or IP address. Values are |
| Yes and No. Yes indicates a platform restart is |
| required for the configuration change to take effect. |
OK | Click OK to close the dialog box. |
Cancel | Click Cancel to close the dialog box without saving |
| changes. |
Users properties
The following figure shows an example of a Users Properties dialog box.
Nortel Media Application Server 6.0 for AS 5300
Release 6.0 03 June 2008
Copyright © 2008, Nortel Networks