4.The NS100 radio asks for confirmation. Press >ENT to send the LL position request to your buddy.
5.The radio checks the status of CH70 and if it is busy, waits for two seconds before rechecking. (The radio will repeat this cycle twice before returning to the normal working channel mode.)
When CH70 is free, the LL position request is sent and the TX symbol appears on the LCD screen.
6.The working channel is displayed while the radio waits for an acknowledgement from your buddy. If no acknowledgement is received within 8 seconds, the radio asks if you want to retry. Press >ENT to retry.
If your buddy hasn't acknowledged the LL position request after one minute at your last attempt, the radio returns to normal working channel mode.
7.If the LL position request is acknowledged, your buddy's position data and the time are both displayed on the LCD screen.
Reference Manual | 43 |