PCA9665_2 © NXP B.V. 2006. All rights reserved.
Product data sheet Rev. 02 — 7 December 2006 40 of 91
NXP Semiconductors PCA9665
Fm+ parallel bus to I2C-bus controller
8.4.3 Slave Receiver Buffered mode
In the Slave Receiver Buffered mode, a number of data bytes are received from a master
transmitter several bytes at a time (seeFigure 13). To initiate the Slave Receiver Byte
mode, I2CADR and I2CCON must be loaded as shown inTable 37 and Table38.
Theupper 7 bits are the I2C-bus address to which PCA9665 will respond when addressed
by a master. GC is the control bit that allows the PCA9665 to respond or not to the
General Call address (00h).
When programmed to logic 1, the PCA9665 will acknowledge the General Call address.
When programmed to logic 0, the PCA9665 will not acknowledge the General Call
ENSIO must be set to logic 1 to enable the I2C-bus interface. The AA bit must be set to
enable the PCA9665 to acknowledge its own slave address; STA, STO, and SI must be
WhenI2CADR and I2CCON have been initialized, the PCA9665 waits until it is addressed
byits own slave address followed by the data direction bit which must be ‘0’ (W) to operate
in the Slave Receiver mode. After its own slave address and the W bit have been
received,the Serial Interrupt flag (SI) is set, the Interr upt line (INT) goes LOWand I2CSTA
is loaded with 60h. This status code is used to vector to an interrupt service routine, and
the appropriate action to be taken is detailed in Table40.
The Slave Receiver Buffered mode may also be entered when:
•The arbitration is lost while the PCA9665 is in the master mode. See status 68h and
•The General Call Address (00h) has been received (General Call address enabled
with GC = 1). See status D0h.
Appropriate actions to be taken from these status codes are also detailed in Table40.
The byte count register (I2CCOUNT) is programmed with the number of bytes that need
to be sent in a single sequence (BC[6:0]) as shown in Table 39.
Table 37. I2CADR initialization
Bit 76543210
Symbol AD7 AD6 AD5 AD4 AD3 AD2 AD1 GC
Value own slave address X
Table 38. I2CCON initialization
Bit 76543210
Value 11000XX1
Table 39. I2CCOUNT programming
Bit 76543210
Symbol LB BC6 BC5 BC4 BC3 BC2 BC1 BC0
Value X number of bytes received in a single sequence (1byte to 68 bytes)