PCA9665_2 © NXP B.V. 2006. All rights reserved.
Product data sheet Rev. 02 — 7 December 2006 71 of 91
NXP Semiconductors PCA9665
Fm+ parallel bus to I2C-bus controller
13. Dynamic characteristics[1] Parameters are valid over specified temperature and voltage range.
[2] All voltage measurements are referenced to ground (GND). For testing, all inputs swing between 0V and 3.0 V with a transition time of
5ns maximum. All time measurements are referenced at input voltages of 1.5 V and output voltages shown in Figure 38 and Figure 40.
[3] Test conditions for outputs: CL=50 pF; RL=500Ω, except open-drain outputs.
Test conditions for open-drain outputs: CL=50 pF; RL=1kΩ pull-up to VDD.
[4] Initialization time for the serial interface after ENSIO bit goes HIGH in a write operation to the control register.
[5] Resetting the device while actively communicating on the bus may cause glitches or an errant STOP condition.
[6] Upon reset, the full delay will be the sum of trst and the RC time constant of the SDA and SCL bus.
Table 49. Dynamic characteristics (3.3 volt)[1][2][3]
= 3.3 V
0.3 V; T
C to +85
C; unless otherwise specified. (See Table50 on page 72 for 2.5 V)
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Initialization timing
tinit(po) power-on initialization time - - 550 µs
Serial interface initialization timing
tinit(sintf) serial interface initialization time[4] from ENSIO bit HIGH - - 550 µs
RESET timing (see Figure36)
tw(rst) reset pulse width 10 - - ns
trst reset time [5][6] 250 - - ns
trec(rst) reset recovery time 0 - - ns
INT timing (seeFigure 37)
tas(int) interrupt assert time - - 500 ns
tdas(int) interrupt de-assert time - - 20 ns
Bus timing (seeFigure 38 and Figure 40)
tsu(A) address setup time to RD,WR LOW 0 - - ns
th(A) address hold time fromRD, WR LOW 13 - - ns
tsu(CE_N) CE setup time to RD,WR LOW 0 - - ns
th(CE_N) CE hold time fromRD, WR LOW 0 - - ns
tw(RDL) RD LOW pulse width 20 - - ns
tw(WRL) WR LOW pulse width 20 - - ns
td(DV) data valid delay time afterRD and CE LOW - - 17 ns
td(QZ) data output float delay time afterRD or CE HIGH - - 17 ns
tsu(Q) data output setup time beforeWR or CE HIGH (write cycle) 12 - - ns
th(Q) data output hold time afterWR HIGH 0 - - ns
tw(RDH) RD HIGH pulse width 18 - - ns
tw(WRH) WR HIGH pulse width 18 - - ns