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PCA9665_2 © NXP B.V. 2006. All rights reserved.
Product data sheet Rev. 02 — 7 December 2006 43 of 91
NXP Semiconductors PCA9665
Fm+ parallel bus to I2C-bus controller
80h Previouslyaddressed
with own slave
BC[6:0] data bytes
have been received;
ACK has been
returned for all the
Read data bytes
or 0 Total number of
bytes to be
X X 0 X 1 Upto BC[6:0] data bytes will be received, ACK bit
will be returned for all of them.
Read data bytes 1 Total number of
bytes to be
X X 0 X 1 Upto BC[6:0] data bytes will be received, ACK bit
will be returned for all of them, except for the last
one where NACK bit will be returned (unless
master transmitter sends a STOP or Repeated
START condition before).
88h Previouslyaddressed
with own slave
BC[6:0] data bytes
have been received;
ACK has been
returned for all the
bytes, except for the
lastone where NACK
bit has been returned
Read data bytes
or X X 0 X 0 0 1 Switched to not addressed slave mode;
No recognition of own slave address; General
Call address will be recognized if GC = 1.
Read data bytes
or X X 0 X 0 1 1 Switched to not addressed slave mode;
Own slave address will be recognized;
GeneralCall address will be recognized if GC = 1.
Read data bytes
or X X 1 X 0 0 1 Switched to not addressed slave mode;
No recognition of own slave address; General
Call address will be recognized if GC = 1;
A START condition will be transmitted when the
bus becomes free.
Read data bytes X X 1 X 0 1 1 Switched to not addressed slave mode;
Own slaveaddress will be recognized;
GeneralCall address will be recognized if GC = 1;
A START condition will be transmitted when the
bus becomes free.
E0h Previouslyaddressed
with General Call;
BC[6:0]data bytes
have been received;
ACKhas been
returned for all the
Read data bytes
or 0 Total number of
bytes to be
X X 0 X 1 BC[6:0] data bytes will be received, ACK bit will
be returned for all of them.
Read data bytes 1 Total number of
bytes to be
X X 0 X 1 BC[6:0] data bytes will be received, ACK bit will
beretur ned forall of them, except for the last one
where NACK bit will be returned (unless master
transmitter sends a STOP or Repeated START
condition before).
Table 40. Slave Receiver Buffered mode (MODE= 1)
Status of the
I2C-bus and the
Application software response Next action taken by the PCA9665
To/from I2CDAT To/from I2CCOUNT To I2CCON