PCA9665_2 © NXP B.V. 2006. All rights reserved.
Product data sheet Rev. 02 — 7 December 2006 87 of 91
NXP Semiconductors PCA9665
Fm+ parallel bus to I2C-bus controller
18. Abbreviations19. Revision historyTable 57. Abbreviations
Acronym Description
ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit
CDM Charged Device Model
CPU Central Processing Unit
DSP Digital Signal Processing
ESD ElectroStatic Discharge
HBM Human Body Model
I2C-bus Inter-Integrated Circuit bus
I/O Input/Output
MM Machine Model
PCB Printed-Circuit Board
SMBus System Management Bus
Table 58. Revision history
Document ID Release date Data sheet status Change notice Supersedes
PCA9665_2 20061207 Product data sheet - PCA9665_1
Modifications: •Theformat of this data sheet has been redesigned to comply with the new identity guidelines of NXP
•Legal texts have been adapted to the new company name where appropriate.
•Descriptivetitle changed from “Fast-mode Plus parallel bus to I2C-bus controller” to “Fm+ parallel bus
to I2C-bus controller”
•Table 12 “I2CCON - Control register (A1= 1, A0= 1) bit description”, description of bit6, 4th
paragraph: changed “... it takes 550µs for the internal oscillator to start up, ...” to “... it takes 550 µs
enable time for the internal oscillator to start up, and the serial interface to initialize.”
•Table 25 “I2C-bus mode selection example[1]”,Table note2: equation denominator close parenthesis
position revised
•Table 48 “Static characteristics”:
–sub-section “Supply”: unit for IDD standby mode changed from “µA” to “mA”
–sub-section “Supply”: IDD, operating mode: changed Max value from 6.0mA to 8.0 mA
–sub-section “InputsWR, RD, A0, A1, CE,RESET”, Ci (Typ) changed from 1.7 pF to 2.0pF
–sub-section “Inputs/outputs D0 to D7”, Cio (Typ) changed from 2.4pF to 2.8 pF
–sub-section“SDA and SCL”, Cio: (Typ)changed from 2.5 pF to 5.6 pF; (Max) changed from 4 pFto
–sub-section “OutputsINT”, Co: (Typ) changed from 2.1 pF to 3.8pF; (Max) changed from 4 pF to
•Table 49 “Dynamic characteristics (3.3volt)[1][2][3]”:
–sub-section “Power-on reset timing” changed to “Initialization timing”
–“tPOR, power-on reset pulse time” changed to “tinit(po), power-on initialization time”
–added sub-section “Serial interface initialization timing” and (new)Table note 4
–added sub-section “INT timing”