PCA9665_2 © NXP B.V. 2006. All rights reserved.
Product data sheet Rev. 02 — 7 December 2006 88 of 91
NXP Semiconductors PCA9665
Fm+ parallel bus to I2C-bus controller
(continued) •Table49, sub-section “Bus timing”:
–changed Min value for th(A) from 7ns to 13 ns
–changed Min value for tw(RDL) from 7ns to 20 ns
–changed Min value for tw(WRL) from 7ns to 20 ns
–changed Min value for tsu(Q) from 7ns to 12 ns
–changed Min value for tw(RDH) from 12ns to 18 ns
–changed Min value for tw(WRH) from 12ns to 18 ns
•Table 50 “Dynamic characteristics (2.5volt)[1][2][3]”:
–added sub-sections “Initialization timing” and “Serial interface initialization timing”
–sub-section “INT timing”: changed tas(int) from (Typ) “<tbd>” to (Max) “550ns”
–sub-section “INT timing”: changed tdas(int) from (Typ) “<tbd>” to (Max) “20ns”
•Table50, sub-section “Bus timing”:
–changed Min value for th(A) from 9ns to 13 ns
–changed Min value for tw(RDL) from 9ns to 20 ns
–changed Min value for tw(WRL) from 9ns to 20 ns
–changed Min value for tsu(Q) from 8ns to 12 ns
–changed Min value for tw(RDH) from 12ns to 18 ns
–changed Min value for tw(WRH) from 12ns to 18 ns
•Figure 36 “Reset timing” modified
•Figure 38 “Bus timing (read cycle)” modified
•Added (new)Figure 39 “Parallel bus timing (write cycle)”
•Table 51 “I2C-bus frequency and timing specifications”:
–tVD;ACK (Min) changed: (Standard-mode) from 0.3µs to 0.05 µs; (Fast-mode) from 0.1µs to
–tVD;DAT (Min) changed: (Fast-mode Plus) from “<tbd>” to “50ns”
–tSP (Max) changed: (Fast-mode Plus) from “<tbd>” to “50ns”
•Added (new)Figure 42 “I2C-bus timing diagram”
•Figure 43 “Test circuitry for switching times” modified (at switch, “6.0V” changed to “VDD ×2”
•Table52: modified test td(DV) changed S1 value from “6 V” to “VDD×2”
•Added (new)Figure 44 “Test circuitry for open-drain switching times” and Table53.
PCA9665_1 20060807 Objective data sheet - -
Table 58. Revision history
Document ID Release date Data sheet status Change notice Supersedes