Olympus DM-5, DM-3 Opening the file search display from the Recorder folder, File search type

Models: DM-5 DM-3

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This recorder manages recorded files and music files imported from a personal computer using a database. Files are automatically sorted using items such as date and keyword, which makes searching for files easier.

2Press the F1 (SEARCH) button to open the file search display.

The search display changes every time the F1 (SEARCH) button is pressed.

Opening the file search display from the [Recorder] folder

File search type:

[Browse] Search

The folder system (Folder A

to Folder E) is used to search


for files.


[Day] Search

Files are searched for by


recording date.


Files are searched for by a





1From the [Home] menu display, select [Recorder], and then press the `OK or 9button to open the folder list display.

Select the type of file search. Next, proceed to “File search display operations of the [Recorder] folder”.

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Olympus DM-5, DM-3 manual Opening the file search display from the Recorder folder, File search type